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ACT ONE & Associates
ACT ONE & Associates
Consulting Engineers & Surveyors
A Certified WBE/DBE Firm PHONE: 717-236-7500

Our professional surveyors have worked successfully on teams with architects, engineers, developers, title companies, commercial realtors, and other surveying companies. ACT ONE & Associates, a Professional Land Surveyor (P.L.S.) is not only in charge of overseeing your project, but is also actively involved in all field work and research.
Why do you need a Surveyor? Click here to review an explanation from the Pennsylvania Society of Land Surveyors (PSLS).

- Topographic Surveys
- As-Built Drawings
- Photogrammetric Control
- Boundary Surveys
- Construction Stake-Out
- ALTA/ACSM Land Title Survey
- FEMA Elevation Certificate
- FEMA Letter of Map Amendment
- FEMA Letter of Map Revision
- Research and Boundary Restoration of Original Land Grants and Warrants
- Land Development Surveys
- Subdivisions, and Right-of-Ways

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